Tuesday, December 4, 2007

December 2007 - Mount Burdell

The first week-end of December we spent an afternoon hiking up Mount Burdell, which is the "hill" behind us. I don't know if hill is the right word - after all it's three times as high as Himmelbjerget ("Sky Mountain") in Denmark. Here is the view from halfway up back on Novato. Caroline and Ulla are taking a rest - looks like Caroline has spotted something interesting?

November 17th 2007 - Caroline's actual birthday

After a looooong countdown Caroline's birthday was finally here. We took her out of school a couple of days and drove down to Disneyland. In the morning she opened all her presents in bed.
After breakfast we went to Disneyland and she received a badge that said: "Happy Birthday - Caroline 8 years old" so that everyone could see it was her birthday. Every Disney employee wished her happy birthday all day long.
And at night she "cashed in" one of her presents: A giftcard from Luise, Martin and Mathilde to the "Build-a-Bear" workshop next to Disney. She spent at least 2 hours in there figuring out what teddy bear to pick and shopping for accessories. She had a blast!
The photographer was having some fun with the christmas ornaments. Did anyone say "Fish-eye?"

November 2007 - Caroline's Birthday party

In the beginning of November Caroline had her birthday party. She had picked a place called "Pump it up" and had invited 25 friends.
Time for the birthday girl to sit in the birthday chair - ready to open presents.
...and blow out all the candles on her birthday cake.